Page 1 - Reviews - ZOI Research, Upper Respiratory, 90 Tablets - iHerb
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Posted on Oct 1, 2014
Verified Purchase
Posted on Jan 9, 2014
Verified Purchase
Auto-translated from Russian

It is written that you need to take one tablet with each meal, a person eats on average 3 times a day, so probably you need to drink 1 tablet 3 times a day, but it is not necessary with food, I took it on an empty stomach in the morning and there were no problems from the stomach , heartburn, aftertaste, etc. I can say that the complex is good, it helps almost immediately, after about 10 minutes, relief came, it became easier to breathe, only a slight swelling in the nose remained, but it ceased to be blocked, the lingering stopped, sneezing stopped, the throat also practically stopped hurting and the “bubble” in the head decreased which pressed and created a cottony sensation as it happens with a cold. Of course, the simpots did not completely disappear, but I do not believe in miracles and did not count on it. Nothing is written about this remedy on Eicherb, except that it is for the upper respiratory tract for colds, but I looked at the composition and I liked it. So composition: Acetylcysteine is a highly effective mucolytic with antioxidant and antitoxic properties. It is used to treat acute and chronic pathology of the bronchopulmonary system, accompanied by increased sputum formation and worsening expectoration (bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis), as well as to facilitate secretion in laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Acetylcysteine protects the cells of the body from the influence of free radicals both by direct reaction with them and by supplying cysteine for the synthesis of glutathione. A number of researchers believe that it is the second mechanism of action of the drug that is most important. The level of glutathione in the cells of the body largely determines the resistance to oxidative effects and tends to decrease with age. Bromelain - Main functions: proteolytic activity; anti-inflammatory, decongestant, immunomodulatory, fibrinolytic, thrombolytic, anticoagulant, wound healing, antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor, spasmolytic, mucolytic effect; removal from the body of metabolic products and toxic substances, excess fluid; acceleration of tissue regeneration; potentiation of the action of antibiotics, by increasing tissue permeability; improving the healing of small wounds; cardiovascular and circulatory improvements; participation in DNA synthesis; dissolution of dead skin cells. Althaea officinalis - was known under the name "Alcea" (Greek - healing). It has been used since the 9th century BC. Indications of his recipe are found at Theophrastus, Dioscorides and Pliny. Althea has anti-inflammatory, enveloping, expectorant, antitussive effects. The healing properties of the marshmallow are due to the high content of polysaccharides that can swell, increase in volume and cover a thin layer of mucous membranes and skin in water infusions. This layer protects the mucous membranes from exposure to harmful factors (cold or dry air; irritating effect of food components, drying out). In addition, the polysaccharide mucosa complex absorbs, adsorbs microbial, viral and toxic products secreted by the affected epithelial cells, inactivates, and prevents contact of toxins with the mucous membrane. Mullein is rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, sugars, tannins and essential oil. This herb is known to be an excellent expectorant with anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and analgesic effects. It perfectly removes thick sputum from the bronchi and lungs due to